Secrecy Setback for Government-funded/Corporation-run Prisons

An August post discussed claims by private prison companies that receive federal funding currently that they are exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests due to a loophole in the current law. On October 10, 2017, the US Supreme Court denied a petition by two private prison corporations, GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of … Continue reading Secrecy Setback for Government-funded/Corporation-run Prisons

Expanding Accountability to Private Prison Companies that receive federal funding

Private prison companies that receive federal funding currently claim they are exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests due to a loophole in the current law. The Private Prison Information Act of 2017 (S. 1728) recently introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin would ensure that non-federally run prisons are held to the same standard of … Continue reading Expanding Accountability to Private Prison Companies that receive federal funding

Government Reorganization still in the dark to both Congress and the public

UPDATE–The Southern Environmental Law Center is suing the Office of Management and Budget for failing to release information about efforts to fundamentally reorganize federal agencies responsible for managing federal public lands, including the United States Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.  SELC … Continue reading Government Reorganization still in the dark to both Congress and the public

How We Operate

2024 GOP PLATFORM Chapter 1 Defeat Inflation and Quickly Bring Down All Prices Chapter 2  Seal the Border, and Stop the Migrant Invasion Chapter 3  Build the Greatest Economy in History Chapter Four Bring Back the American Dream and Make It Affordable Again for Families, Young People, and Everyone Chapter Five  Protect American Workers and … Continue reading How We Operate